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D-Day, England - Preparations for D-Day, Issuing Rations 31May44; Officers Meeting 25May44; Boarding USS Barnside & Crossing, 05Jun44

Reel Number: 220662-08

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1944,1940s

Country: England,United Kingdom,USA

Location: Devon,Torquay

TC Begins: 11:06:56

TC Ends: 11:14:21

Duration: 00:07:25

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk D-Day, England - Preparations for D-Day, Issuing Rations. 31May44 Camp - B 483 Slate: E.E. Shelton 31May44 R2 Issuing Life Belts. US troops queue by tent to get invasion rations - tins of food, lifebelts etc. Various shots men carrying supplies away. 11:07:57 Slate: same. R3 MS Men walking w/ armful of supplies. MLS supplies on ground. MCU of stacks of supplies handed out. 11:08:55 CU man inflating lifebelt. 11:09:04 Slate: same. R1 Inflatable lifebelts being sorted outside tent. MLS Group of men w/ rations on cart. Men sorting lifebelts. CU Pile of lifebelts. 11:10:06 Slug. WWII - 1944, England, Normandy Invasion: Preparations for D-Day, Officers Meeting - SBS coverage 11:10:07 Slate: Cameraman Pvt. Walters S.B.S. Coverage May44. Officers meeting around long table w/ papers. 11:10:44 Slate: same. 25May44. R1. MS British officers; officer into office, takes papers from in-box & sits down at desk. WWII - 1944, England, D-Day: Troops Boarding Ship and Crossing on USS Barnside - Torquay, Devon 11:11:07 Inv. 50 Slate: ??Jun44 Camera: Maloney R1 Torquay. Troops assembled in sun, march w/ full packs. CU net on helmets in boat; transport ship from water & men climbing netting on side & helped over rail. 11:12:15 Slate: same. 05Jun44 USS Barnside. View thru rigging to ship ahead & other ships,; US flag above. Sailors at guns. Men checking supplies in landing craft hanging overside. Stowing gear. CU life ring labeled Draft Dodger. 11:13:18 Low Angle of man up rope net & being helped by sailor (panic attack?). Loading ship with cargo net & stacking boxes. 11:13:50 Soldiers sitting on deck, talking, smoking, reading. Listening, religious service. WW2; Normandy Invasion; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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