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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221219-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1935
Country: France,Germany,Monaco,USA
Location: Monte Carlo,New York,NYC,Paris,Wall Street
TC Begins: 21:30:06
TC Ends: 21:39:50
Duration: 00:09:44
Dealers In Death Pt. 3 of 6 Missing main title Map w/ manufacturers. Vickers factory & manufacturing. Ext. w/ railroad electromagnet; interior of steel mill & furnaces. Map of Vickers spreading around world. 21:31:47 Zaharoff on Riviera, pan over Monaco. Ext. Monte Carlo. 21:32:22 Schneider-Creusot w/ Schneider. Machinery working, steel mill, pouring. Large bucket raised. Large ingots moved, turned. Turning & machining huge gun barrels. 21:34:04 Moving large shell cartridges. 21:34:17 Skoda w/ board meeting. France street scene & newspaper headlines causing fear & munition sales. Crowds in Paris streets fighting w/ police outside Chamber of Deputes. Wall Street & bidding. German press w/ scare headlines. Krupp plant from high angle, panning around it. Kaiser reviewing troops. 1914 mobilization order. French mobilization. Train moving shells, railroad cars w/ heavy artillery, trucks on road & other troop carriers. Tanks. Camouflaged trucks. Pulling large guns in woods & along road. 21:38:48 Munition dump w/ bombs, shells. Cartridges stockpiled. Troops march, cavalry riding through stream. Troops into trenches, behind sandbags. Firing guns. Running out of shelter. Pre-WWII; Arms Race; Capitalism; Arms Dealers; Armament; Wars; Anti-War Film; Big Business;