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Diary Of A Sergeant Part 1

Reel Number: 221044-01

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1945

Country: USA


TC Begins: 19:01:04

TC Ends: 19:11:26

Duration: 00:10:22

Diary Of A Sergeant Part 1 Documents the rehabilitation of a wounded soldier who learns to manipulate artificial hands - played by Harold Russell, later cast by William Wyler in ‘The Best Years of Our Lives’. Doctors in white coats push injured man on gurney along hospital corridor & through door marked ‘Operating Room No Admittance’. INT doctors at work in operating theatre; fades to diary page ‘June 6 1944’ w/ hand writing entry. Sergeant Russell w/ amputated hands in hospital bed; nurse writing diary entry and lighting cigarette for him. Fellow patient puts bobby pin between his bandages so he can hold cigarette himself. Soldiers in hospital bed at night - not sleeping. 19:04:46 Woman setting up projector in hospital ward - lights out - movie shown ‘Meet McGonegal’ re WWI veteran managing to get by w/ artificial hands - patients watching closely. 19:08:02 Amputees doing callisthenics from hospital beds. Russell down corridor past Orthopedic Occupational Therapy Shop sign on door; nurse helps him write letter and use typewriter w/ cuff attached to his stump. Playing ping pong. 19:09:40 CU diary entry ‘Aug 3 1944’. Doctor examining Russell’s stumps - ready for artificial hands - plaster cast of stumps taken - prosthesis fitted - manages to hold pen w/ hooks. WWII; Horrors of War; Handicapped; Propaganda;

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