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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221141-06
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1940
Country: Dutch East Indies [indonesia]
Location: Batavia [jakarta],Buitenzorg [Bogor],Dutch East Indies,Java
TC Begins: 03:04:06
TC Ends: 03:10:23
Duration: 00:06:17
Dutch East Indies - Java Scenes May40 Street scenes in Chinese section of Batavia now Jakarta, Java, showing store fronts, traffic inc. horse-drawn carts. Exteriors of Raad Van Indie building & the Velksraad building. 03:04:53 INT Meeting of the Volksraad People’s Council - native & Dutch members listen to speaker. CUs Chairman, Mr Jonkman & Secretary Mr de Booy. Javanese? men wearing suit & traditional headscarf. Government representatives. Reporters. CU local politician Attorney Thamrin. 03:07:27 Buitenzorg now Bogor, Java: Summer Palace of Governor General Jonkheer Stachouwer. Palace & gardens. Governor General, wife & daughter w/ Army & Navy aides around table in garden - native servant serves drinks; CUs. INT Stachouwer in office at desk - servants or aides bring piles of documents. 03:09:37 Batavia Meeting of Raad Van Indie, advisors to Governor General appointed by Queen of Netherlands. Six men around desk, portrait of Queen Wilhelmina in BG. Present are Governor General, President Mr Spit, Prof. Pangeran Hoesin Djajadiningred, Mr Kuneman, Dr. Visman & Mr de Bruyenkops. Colonialism. Dutch Colonies. Indonesia. Pre-WWII