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Experiences in England 1940-41 - Pt 1 pf 4

Reel Number: 220555-01

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1940-1941

Country: Canada,England,North Atlantic,NORTHERN IRELAND,United Kingdom

Location: belfast,Boscombe Down,farnborough,London,North Atlantic,Ottawa, Halifax, St. Johns, Newfoundland

TC Begins: 01:01:03

TC Ends: 01:11:36

Duration: 00:10:33

Experiences in England 1940-41 - Pt 1 of 4 Sperry Gyroscope Co. shipping equipment to Ottawa, Canada & then to Halifax & shipped by Royal Navy across North Atlantic. Sep40 - Representative of gyroscope’s US manufacturers before boarding chartered airliner en route to England pose; loading large crate & board. View from plane. Ottawa to Halifax piloted by RAF Group Captain Pearce, posing after meeting plane in Ottawa. Pilot & crew in cockpit. Clouds from plane. 01:04:09 Title: At Sea with the Royal Navy in ex-American Destroyers. View shipboard, accompanying ship. Sailors put up flags; covered guns; bridge. 01:04:56 Title: St. John’s, Newfoundland for refuellng before crossing the North Atlantic. Coast of Newfoundland from sea w/ small sailing boats. 01:0 Port & docking. Destroyers & convoy at sea w/ large swells. 01:06:14 Title: Action Stations! View of activities on board, large swells. Bridge & men watching plane. 01:07:26 Title: Around the Northern Irish Coast and Into Belfast harbor. Pan over smooth sea; harbor w/ tankers, sunken ships, past aircraft carrier. 01:08:39 Title: Wartime London. Good shots cars and traffic, double decker buses. Barrage balloons in park. Rubble & wreckage piled around Hyde Park. 01:09:50 Title: English countryside - George & Dragon pub sign. Country inn. Village. Thatched roof cottage. Tank along country road & highway. Picturesque village on hillside. POV driving thru village. WWII England Homefront; WW2; Colour; NOTE: Narrated by Sperry Gyroscope employee. NOTE: Any continuous ten minutes of film (4 cards) sold at per reel rate.

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