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Experiences in England 1940-41 Pt 4 of 4

Reel Number: 220555-04

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1940-1941

Country: England,United Kingdom

Location: Boscombe Down,farnborough

TC Begins: 01:30:08

TC Ends: 01:39:50

Duration: 00:09:42

Experiences in England 1940-41 Pt 4 of 4 Title: An American Passenger - to Heligoland, Wilhelmshaven and Bremen! POV following pilots in car; pose in front of B-17 & climbing aboard. Ext. B-17, boarding; adjusting oxygen mask, men helped into plane. Pilot in cockpit & looking down on people on ground. Taxi & rev motors for takeoff. Takeoff seen from outside & inside heavily loaded plane. View of other bombers; above blanket of clouds. CU crew w/ oxygen mask; propellers. 01:36:28 Title: Mission Completed - Returning to Base. CU crew. POV plane low over water; view of coastline, English countryside from plane. Bomber seen. Flight crew on ground talking. 01:38:47 Illustration heroic-looking pilots & Churchill quote. Bomber taking off. The End. WWII RAF Equipment Testing; WW2; Colour; NOTE: Any continuous ten minutes of film (4 cards) sold at per reel rate.

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