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Fight Waste Trailer

Reel Number: 220527-18

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1944

Country: USA


TC Begins: 23:21:54

TC Ends: 23:24:38

Duration: 00:02:44

USA Fight Waste Trailer - War Film Bulletin No. 13 Sgt. Booth in wheelchair - disabled after losing leg in Africa campaign. Nurse adjusting artificial limb. Sgt. Booth speaking re help from all Americans. 23:22:31 American family home - young boy enters front door and sits at dinner table with parents. Two empty chairs of family members who are serving overseas. Brief shots re homefront - Dad working in factory, mother looking after family and working as nurses aid in hospital. Re conserving electricity - turning off lights - mother puts vacuum cleaner in cupboard - turns down central heating controls - cooking eggs and bacon for breakfast - conserving waste fat in empty can. 23:23:50 Scrap metal and old newspapers collected for war effort. Mother at sewing machine repairing old clothes for donation to Salvation army. On screen list re how to fight waste. WW2; WWII; Ecology; Economy; Natural Resources;

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