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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221357-16
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1940s
Country: Germany
TC Begins: 22:40:45
TC Ends: 22:49:24
Duration: 00:08:39
The First Step ...Forward R2 of 2 Note: only has sync sound of piano playing. Boys working to build a youth center. Nailing up sign: German Youth Center. 22:41:32 Si. Destroyed large building. Army truck along street, pedestrians. Stops & GI opens back w/ shelves of books; girl goes in and looks over shelves. Man gives her book from top shelf & she leaves, boy enters. 22:43:16 Si. GIs in theater building; girls limbering up at bar along wall. GI checks watch & signals another to raise curtain. 22:43:39 Sd. Boy in camouflage suit playing jazz on grand piano. (sync only of playing). 22:44:14 Si. Army women w/ mannequin talking to group of young German women, two looking at Vogue magazine. Army woman lecturing to group of women, using baby doll in pan. 22:44:54 Si. Army officers & civilians in room w/ US flag, world globe; all sit down at table & man speaking & introduces US army officer. Questions & answers, discussing a newspaper article. 22:47:47 Si. Rubble & destroyeed large church. Interior of young kids & teacher in church service. GIs into US Army Chapel w/ German children. Outside of civilian church w/ stone statues. Boy & girl thru iron gate into church. The End. German Occupation; Occupied Germany; Rebuilding Post-WWII; Destroyed City; Destruction; Propaganda;