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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221230-26
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1946
Country: France,USA
Location: New York City,NYC,Paris
TC Begins: 18:48:47
TC Ends: 18:55:10
Duration: 00:06:23
French Socialist Party Executive Committee Meeting, Feb-Mar46 Men around table, posters on wall include English Labor Party. Felix Gouin, President of French Provisional Government; on his right Mr. Grumbach, deputy of Alsass; on his left Gaston Defferre, Min. of Information & Tanguy-Prigent, Minister of Agriculture. Committee voting by hand. Length of table from table height. Far end of table is Marcel Naegelen, Minister of National Education. MS of Tanguy-Prigent speaking, on his right: Gaston Defferre, Felix Gouin, Grumbach. 18:49:37 CU Tanguy-Prigent. CU Andre Le Troquer, Min.of Interior listening & speaking. CU Marcel Naegelen. 18:50:20 MS Gouin, w/ cigarette, wearing hat; Daniel Mayer, Gen. Sec. of Party takes paper & looks at it. Others looking. 18:50:35 Jules Moch, Minister of Public Works reading to Executive Committee. Naegelen opening the meeting w/ large clock behind. CU shots of Socialist posters. Leon Blum at desk reading newspapers; looks to camera, talks (MOS) to journalists off camera & standing by desk. 18:52:42 NYC City Council chambers & Mayor O’Dwyer w/ Leon Blum at head. US & French flags. Reporters at table in front. WNYC mic. Blum introduced & at microphone speaking (MOS). Gestures w/ rolled up ??. Shot of listeners. Post-WWII France; Politics;