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German And Italian Sneak Craft (Oct45) Pt. 1 of 2

Reel Number: 221175-02

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1945

Country: Germany,Italy


TC Begins: 04:00:10

TC Ends: 04:12:35

Duration: 00:12:25

Titles. Pt. 1 of 2 Small submarine through water; three frogmen; human torpedo, midget submarine, explosive boat, torpedo boat. Underwater view of human torpedo. View of ship sinking stern first. Various Mediterranean ports w/ naval ships & description of tonnage sunk. Man in wet suit sanding on beach showing swim fins, breathing apparatus. Many men in water showing technique w/ camouflage head-net, w/ breathing apparatus went under to place delayed mine on ship hull. 04:03:30 Italian version of human torpedo shown lowered by crane onto beach, two warheads clamped on to nose. Function of rudder, wheel, gages & controls shown in CU. Lowered into water. Torpedomen shown in gear, mounting onto vessel then sinking underwater & slowly moving ahead w/ only heads above water. Diagram of approach to ship, planting of charges on each side under the keel. 04:06:24 CU setting timer; diagram of leaving vessel in torpedo. View surfacing and slowly moving. 04:07:12 German frogmen; lowering of one-man human torpedo slightly larger than torpedo it carried. Trailer w/ it mounted pulled under camouflage netting behind truck. Man entering compartment. Allies looking at one, in LS & CU, found on Anzio beach unexploded. 04:08:14 One shown in operation low in water w/ only dome visible as used at night. Torpedo fired, then craft diving and underwater views of moving ahead both with & without torpedo. Leaping craft above water. View of ship from torpedo carrier and operation of firing mechanism. 04:09:58 German all-electric midget submarine lowered by crane. Pulled by truck on camouflaged trailer. Lowered into water, moving on surface; underwater views of it passing w/ propeller working. Periscope above water. This first one was succeeded by The Beaver, one w/ gas auxiliary engine which is shown. Two torpedoes mounted. Operator inside shown. View of craft thru water. POV. WWII Underwater Vehicles; WW2 Axis Naval Weapons; Oddities; Sneak Craft; Oct45; 1945; NOTE: Any continuous 14 minutes of entire film sold at per reel rate.

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