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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221108-10
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1946
Country: Germany
Location: Frankfurt,wiesbaden
TC Begins: 17:35:57
TC Ends: 17:45:42
Duration: 00:09:45
German Food Story - Frankfurt & Vicinity Munich No. 376 Small crowd of men & women outside store - queuing for food? Little kids on pavement. Slate - Wiesbaden 14Aug46. Tiny kids in street - look at camera. Slate 08Aug46. INT abattoir - animal carcasses on hooks being cut up. Street scenes - two policemen - pedestrians & traffic. 17:39:20 Very high views across city from mountainside - Frankfurt. Kids play in street, dance in ring around little girl. Slate 16Aug46. INT workshop - auto parts / components in production. 17:42:14 Crying baby examined by doctor - vars marks / lesions on skin. Little girl w/ burns or skin disease to arms. CU girl w/ severely infected hands. Very skinny boy & girl pose for camera on stool - bones showing. CUs malnourished babies. Slate 17Aug46 Kids in street w/ drawn faces. Parents in park pushing pram. LS woman smoking on grass next to pram. CU money changing hands. Man tries to take money from another man across gate, gets taken away by official. 17:44:37 Top shots displaced man & woman looking for things to salvage in junkyard. Truck empties load into landfill. Very dirty man eats from metal container while girl collects junk in bag. Postwar Germany; Malnutrition; Starvation; Poverty; Manufacturing; Black Market; DPs; Rationing; Displaced Persons; Slaughterhouse; Post-WWII; Occupied Germany;