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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220939-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1942
Country: England,United Kingdom
TC Begins: 03:01:06
TC Ends: 03:08:58
Duration: 00:07:52
Heavier Than Air Ministry of Information presents, Dir. Francis A. Searle 03:01:29 Wardens arrive at Falfield government training school for A.R.P. instructors in Gloucestershire; in classroom given speech SOF at end of civil defense aka defense training. Earlier lecture, instructor talks to wardens, now in uniform, about gas warfare; draws various diagrams on blackboards w/ memorable symbols to represent gasses. 03:04:32 CUs various gas masks for adults, children, invalid hood, baby protective helmet; context filter. 03:05:03 Class stands up for respirator drill, put on helmets & gas masks. Shot of entire class in masks. 03:06:00 Wardens enact what to do in event of gas attack; bomb explodes, VS wardens in anti-gas clothing direct civilians & tend to casualties; CU incident report; warden in gas mask calls casualty report center, control room activity; stretcher case loaded into truck; warden rings hand bell. Working in masks. 03:07:47 Warden in classroom asks question about mustard gas. 03:08:25 Warden talks to elderly couple in living room; “Now it’s up to you to do your share & be ready for it too”. WWII Preparations; England Homefront; ARP Training; Chemical Warfare Protection; Civil Defense; 1940s; WW2;