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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221534-07
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1930s
Country: Holland,Netherlands
Location: Holland
TC Begins: 14:39:45
TC Ends: 14:51:07
Duration: 00:11:22
Holland (Graphic title w/ wooden shoes) Windmills turning beside canal w/ small barge & sail w/ man at tiller. Others poling small boats thru small canals, one w/ cattle on board, man delivering newspaper from boat, another w/ bread given to girl. Under bridges, school kids out of barge & run to classes. people riding in chairs on barge w/ 4 men poling. Men & women walking along canal bank in suits to church. 14:42:02 Woman & children walk past De Porceleyne Fles (factory). Int. w/ man making clay pipes by hand while smoking; stacks of pipes, wire thru stem, into mold, scraped; loaded into kiln. Turning plates on wheel, forming base w/ tool. Showing work. 14:43:47 Man in suit painting windmill inside plate or bowl; CU face; brush & paint. 14:44:28 Line of workers carrying stone ?? Display of painted pottery. 14:44:40 Ext. wooden pilings partially driven. Steam engine & machine & men driving pilings; CU operator. Man loading furnace, men moving timbers; cutting off tops of driven piles. Men watching pile being driven, raising dike alongside pastureland. Shoveling gravel on top of piles driven & placing reinforcing rods. 14:46:33 Ext. of large factory or ?? Int. men at large grinding or polishing machines, looking thru loupe or magnifying glass. Men at work bench w/ polishing machine & diamonds. CU inspecting diamonds & working. 14:48:05 Ext. Two men cutting down tree beside workshed w/ wooden shoes hanging around doorway. Hand sawing log into blocks, splitting & trimming bark. Cutting w/ axe into shape of shoe, shaping w/ long knife mounted w/ one end. CU wooden shoes on feet. Boring out of interior of shoe blanks w/ drilling & chiseling out wood. Holding finished shoe. 14:50:23 Docked small sail boats on canal. Man poling along canal, boys watch men unload fish in baskets. Eels. Man sitting on boat. Pre-WWII Travelogue; Pre-WW2 Daily Life; Netherlands; Holland; Crafts; Craftsmen; 1930s; Jewels; Manufacturing; Water Transportation; Stereotypes;