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International Problems of 1947 (1948)

Reel Number: 250003-01

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1948

Country: USA,USSR


TC Begins: 05:00:00

TC Ends: 05:05:33

Duration: 00:05:33

Titles. 05:00:33 Montage: mountains, plowing, cattle, falling timber, haying, woman putting turkey, CU, on table k& happy family. 05:00:54 Montage: CU crying child, kids eating rolls, food aid handed out; women picking thru garbage dump; receiving food aid. 05:01:14 Animation: globe turning in spotlights. Soviet view west on globe, lightning rods going westward. 05:01:27 Stalin & others on balcony; troops marching in Red Square. Wipe... 05:01:35 Animation: US View, spotlights east towards Europe. Wipe... 05:01:43 US meeting USSR on Elbe River, CU shaking hands. Poster East Meets West w/ lightning superimposed. Paris & Communist demonstrations; Athens & demonstrators; Rome & speaker. 05:02:20 Animated European map w/ Iron Curtain dropping. 05:02:31 Aerial above large plane flying over Washington DC Capitol building. Ext. Executive Office Building / War Department. Secretary of State Byrnes at desk; newspaper headline re bars French Ruhr claim, Denies Oder border is fixed. 05:02:55 Byrnes speaking (MOS) at Stuttgart, Germany conference. 05:03:08 Delegates into room around large circular table, Molotov & others delegates sit down. 05:03:25 End of reel. Black. 05:03:26 CU text: In these circumstances...policy toward the Soviet Union must be that of a long-term patient but firm & vigilant containment of Russian expansive tendencies... wipe to animation of arrows around to encircle USSR “...Democracy’s counter-attack...” 05:03:57 WW2 destruction, rebuilding. 05:04:19 Black 05:04:22 Title: London Delegates arriving & sitting around circular table, press taking photos, wall lights & chandeliers. MS Molotov, George Marshall seated; standing shaking hands. 05:04:52 Split screen w/ Kremlin & Washington Capitol; pan of people; Freedom Train people lined up touring Post-WW; Anti-Communism; 1947;

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