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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220861-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940s
Country: AT Sea
TC Begins: 07:09:09
TC Ends: 07:17:24
Duration: 00:08:15
Japanese Shipboard activities, Japanese Ships burning , Ships at Sea AV Cargo ship underway at sea. Japanese battleship underway at sea. HA LS Japanese sailors falling in on fantail of battleship. Four barrels on two forward turrets on Japanese battleship. MS Japanese flag flying from mast of battleship. MS Bridge on battleship, showing Japanese officers.- Japanese officers leaning over table. 07.10.16 CU Japanese sailor scrubbing underneath torpedo tubes. CU Two Japanese pilots. CU Japanese LSO with paddles. MS Japanese pilots getting ready to man their planes. Japanese pilot climbing up pontoon of Japanese seaplane. MS Japanese seaplane as it is catapulted off battleship. LS Japanese plane in flight heading toward camera. 07:11:11 LS Japanese battleship of NAGOYA CLASS. LS Japanese plane flying overhead part of superstructure of ship in FG. LS Japanese plane flying by. LS Japanese planes flying overhead in formation CU Japanese officer on bridge of ship, looking through binoculars. Two Japanese flags flying from mast of ship. CU Gear being tied down on deck of ship. CU Japanese officer. CU Japanese officer on bridge of ship, looking through binocs officer in FG. Overall shot of Japanese officers on bridge. MCU Japanese officer looking at chart on bridge of ship. Japanese sailor looking through binocs. Japanese officers on bridge. CU Bearing. CU Japanese sailor operating searchlight and sending blinker signal. Japanese sailor sending semaphore. 07:12:48 LS Japanese sub underway. MS Japanese sailors on bridge looking through binocs. MS Japanese sailors on conning tower of sub, acting as lookouts. LA MS Japanese bugler playing on bridge. Two guns on battleship, training from R to L. Gun crew starting to man turret. Looking up into rigging. Japanese sailor running down ladder into engine room. CU Engine room piston going up and down. CU Japanese sailor with his hands on controls. LS Looking toward bow of battleship. LS Japanese battleship wake of ship in FG. LS Three Japanese planes flying overhead. MS Japanese anti-aircraft twin mount PAN down side of ship. Japanese plane flying by. CU Gun barrels of twin aircraft mount, training overhead. CU Japanese fighter flying overhead. CU Gun barrel. LS Japanese ship. LS Looking aft on battleship as guns are firing. LS Gun crew manning their guns. MS Japanese crew manning guns. MS Two Japanese planes flying overhead. CU Two Japanese guns firing. MS Two Japanese sailors running up and closing hatch. Sailors putting their gas masks on. MLS Japanese sailors loading aircraft mount with gas masks on. LS Japanese cruiser another ship in FG. Wake of ship. LS Three Japanese destroyers. LS Two Japanese destroyers. LS Japanese battleship. CU Wake of ship. Ship firing. LS Japanese destroyers following in column. LS Japanese, battleship of CONGO CLASS, firing. LS Japanese ship firing. MS Destroyers in column. QUALITY: FAIR Could be captured Japanese Feature film Outtakes