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Jet Story, The (1951) Pt. 1 of 2

Reel Number: 250035-08

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1951,1950s

Country: USA


TC Begins: 21:05:36

TC Ends: 21:12:06

Duration: 00:06:30

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk Titles. Pt. 1 of 2 21:05:49 Night, B-17 aircraft taxiing; cars onto roadway. Aircraft taxiing. Men to aircraft. CU man standing guard, crates unloaded & into truck to GE factory (neon sign on top). 21:06:43 INT Gen. Arnold w/ men in office. Officer opens wall safe plans of first turbo jet engine to table. 21:07:08 CU drawings. Men sit down, CUs & pointing at papers. SOF saying “we’ll have it running within six months” (if GE gets contract to build six). 21:08:27 Staged story of Sanford Moss working at Cornell University in 1903. Pan campus. CU small house assigned for his experiments. 21:08:58 General Electric exteriors; INT research department draftsmen w/ false beards. MCU Moss, w/ false beard, up Capitol Building steps 21:09:31 MS early biplane, starting engine. Formation of WW1 aircraft overhead. 21:09:39 Animation piston firing & supercharger’s effect. Staged, men working in laboratory. 21:10:20 Bi-plane shots, pilot passing out. CU Gen. Billy Mitchell in fur coat. Animation of Martin bomber at high altitude above battleship; drops bomb on ship. GOOD tacky animation of hit & ship sinking. 21:11:13 Various WW2 shots of aircraft in battle & on bombing missions. MS bomber (B-25?) diving on target area, dropping bombs. CU nose section of P-40. Low angle shot of formation of four P-47's flying right echelon; P-47 as it banks. P-38 in flight, landing gears are down. CU low angle shot of B-24 in flight. CU low angle of B-29 in flight. Formation of B-17's in flight, leaving vapor trails. INT Greenhouse nose on B-17 as bombardier releases bombs. B-17 dropping bombs; bomb burst. B-29 as it makes low pass over area. Several views of B-17's in flight formation. B-29 banks, peels to right & atomic bomb burst (not WW2). Continued... Military Aviation Development; Promotional Film; 1950s; Cold War; Aviation History; Airplanes; NOTE: Any continuous 11 minutes of entire film, 21:05:36 - 21:26:47, sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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