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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221678-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940
Country: USA
Location: Congress,DC,Washington
TC Begins: 14:00:08
TC Ends: 14:04:44
Duration: 00:04:36
Ambassador Joseph Kennedy at Committee Hearing Opposing Lend Lease MS Seated at table before hearing; w/ photographers. Hearing called to order. Hamilton Fish questioning Joseph Kennedy about the needs for additional shipping to England. LS of room. MCU of Kennedy. LS of reporters. 14:02:26 MCU, statement: In considering this bill, I regard it as of the greatest importance that Congress should not abdicate completely its authority or its power. I don't want to see this country go to war unless we are attacked, but we must get strong, and that quickly. Nobody’s going to take us on if we’re prepared. I'm a great believer in strength in the air; we can’t stress that too much: with air strength we are well defended.” 14:03:20 CU. 14:03:29 “You can't re-arm in your spare time, anymore than you can fight a war in your spare time. We ourselves can accomplish more than any bill can accomplish if we unite for our common cause; and that is what’s best for the United States. Of course there’s a risk in any course of action, but all doubt as to what is the best thing we can do should be resolved in the one statement: How can we best keep out of war.” 14:04:19 LS of room & hearing table w/ Kennedy. Gavel inserts & CU of Fish (?). Pre-WWII; Pre-WW2; Anti-War Involvement; Isolationist; 1940s;