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Kids Rescued From ‘City of Benares’ Sinking Arrive In England

Reel Number: 221069-09

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1940

Country: England,United Kingdom


TC Begins: 16:16:21

TC Ends: 16:18:41

Duration: 00:02:20

Kids Rescued From ‘City of Benares’ Sinking Arrive In England Sep40 Navy warship HMS Hurricane pulls into dock - kids on shipboard, rescued after sinking of Benares - stretchers w/ injured survivors unloaded. Sailors pose w/ kids wearing their hats - kids give thumbs up. Adult civilians on deck w/ kids. Stretchers loaded into ambulance. Sailors give kids piggy backs. Crowd on dock. WWII. British Home Front.

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