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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221700-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1948
Country: USA
TC Begins: 09:20:28
TC Ends: 09:30:03
Duration: 00:09:35
Titles. 09:20:48 MCU Baby chicks in crate outside store - little girl, Betty, pets them but father won’t let her have one; they walk off together. 09:21:25 Father & Betty walk out of apartment house, get into car on residential street & drive thru rural houses - POV traveling shots past countryside from car, Betty bounces on seat in excitement. 09:21:56 LS Farm. Car pulls up, shakes hands w/ farmer. CU Betty pets dog. 09:22:17 Farmer’s son Dick out of chicken coop; shows Betty around. INT chickens packed into barn - clean straw, water & feed, CUs; on nests. Dick scatters grain. Betty helps collect eggs. 09:24:55 CU Dick cleans dirty ones in machine - packed in box. Truck arrives, delivers feed & collects egg crates. 09:26:04 Young hens in outdoor area. CU sign ‘Lanson’s Hatchery - Chicks For Sale.’ Hens & roosters - INT incubator w/ trays of eggs waiting to hatch, CU egg hatching - tray packed w/ newly-hatched baby chicks. 09:28:04 Dick shows Betty his Rhode Island Red chickens & mother duck w/ ducklings in pond. Turkeys. 09:29:17 Betty tells father what she’s learned about poultry farm MOS. 09:29:36 Family at breakfast - Betty eating eggs. Claps hands when mother tells her it’s fried chicken for dinner. The End. Farming; Battery / Free Range; Rural Americana; Food Industry; Family; Agriculture; Birds; 1940s; 1948; Post-WWII; Post-WW2; NOTE: One continuous minute sold at per reel rate.