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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221699-08
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1949,1940s,1950s
Country: Switzerland
TC Begins: 07:14:28
TC Ends: 07:24:52
Duration: 00:10:24
Titles. 07:14:48 Switzerland Alps, valley & village. 07:15:06 Maps of world & Europe. 07:15:31 Village w/ church, school & stores. Women wearing traditional dress. 07:16:21 Two women & man walk from village to wooden Swiss farm house set against mountain side w/ one end facing sun. Wood stacks. Girl & mother walk to garden & weed w/ snow-capped mountain peaks behind. 07:17:37 Slopes w/ trees, meadows, men scything hay. Boy tending goats on hillside. Scenics. 07:18:48 Cattle grazing on slopes; stone hut for making cheese & man making cheese heating milk in kettle. Curds are pulled out in cloth & put into wooden mold w/ whey pressed out. Next day cheese lifted out & put into curing house onto shelves. 07:20:50 Mother & daughter drying beans. Cattle brought down from pastures / meadows. Mother churning butter. Boy digging potatoes & father splitting firewood for winter. Scenics. 07:22:29 First snow fall covers valley & village. Boy & girl walk to school in village w/ others; after school sledding and skiing. 07:23:42 Int. of house w/ children doing schoolwork, dad reading newspaper & mother spinning yarn and talking with kids. Mountain shots. 07:24:47 The End title. 1949 Color Educational Film; Geography; Sociology; Seasons; Winter; Post-WWII Europe Daily Life; Family; 1940s; 1950s; Post-WW2; NOTE Any continuous one minutes sold at per reel rate. Very good color.