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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220939-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1943
Country: Malta,Uk
Location: Malta,valetta
TC Begins: 03:33:09
TC Ends: 03:42:33
Duration: 00:09:24
Malta GC Rf2 of 2 CU sheet as sign: Communal Feeding Department. Maltese civilians & traders w/ carts at street market go about business. Women prepare vegetables. VS civilians collect food at “Victory Kitchen”; woman w/ four children walks away down street. 03:35:25 Men at work in destroyed factory. Children go to school thru rubbled streets Outdoor school. Biplane; British air crew prepare fighter planes w/ torpedo. RAF biplanes take off for Egypt. Map of Malta. Farmers point to planes in sky. 03:37:20 Children dance as woman plays piano ouktdoors. Newspaper boys collect papers; printing press. VS wrecked German aircraft. CU newspaper w/ headline about George Cross awarded to people of Malta by King. AV pan rubbled town square; devastated church; Maltese climb among debris & destruction. Troops ride on shell carts pulled by tractor; bombs loaded on bombers. 03:40:20 RAF Wellington bombers take off for Sicily at night. Night scenes aerial combat; VS civilians in shelter make sign of cross. Anti-aircraft flak. Island engulfed in smoke from bombs; pans across rooftops & down thru roofless rubbled church to service in progress. CU George Cross. WWII; Daily Life; Royalty; Horrrors of War;