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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220939-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1943
Country: Malta
Location: valetta
TC Begins: 03:23:16
TC Ends: 03:33:09
Duration: 00:09:53
Malta GC R1 of 2 Narrator Laurence Olivier Convoy & battleships at sea; ships fire at planes dropping bombs. VS map of Mediterranean, CUs Sicily & Malta. 03:24:44 Aerials of Malta. Lookout w/ binoculars. Ships thru rough sea laying smoke screen (?); into harbor. Troops arrive on dock, ship in Valetta harbor w/ damage on deck. MS damage to ship’s hull. Troops unload supplies & equipment onto docks. 03:26:44 Warden directs traffic on hillside street. Scenes of Malta, people & carts on streets, church, Citadel of St Angelo. 03:27:45 Soldier blows whistle; troops scramble; planes take off. Anti-aircraft guns. Maltese schoolchildren lined up; civilians enter air raid shelter; CU hand cranking air raid siren. LS bomb dropped over island. Explosions. 03:29:08 Anti-aircraft fire; troops look upwards. Aircraft in sky, firing anti-aircraft guns, bombs dropped, large smoke clouds, troops fire heavy artillery. Civilians run, truck thru street. AA firing, shells hit in harbor, plane into ground. 03:30:34 Church damaged. VS aircraft in flight; smoke over Malta. Dive bombing. Plane into water. Smoke from burning buildings. 03:32:03 Man chalks up new figure of 1774 raids. Civilians emerge into damaged streets, picking thru rubble. Cleaning up. Nurses in rubble of hospital. WWII Fighting; WW2 Battles; Mediterranean; Horrors of War; Destruction;