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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221564-02
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1975
Country: USA
TC Begins: 01:15:12
TC Ends: 01:42:40
Duration: 00:27:28
Margaret Mead talking across desk in Museum of Natural History office talks about scientists being snobs. 01:15:59 Reflections: Margaret Mead. 01:16:06 Walking w/ staff to entrance of Museum, up steps. Zoom in on corner office. Int. as she walks thru storage rooms; sitting at desk talking about explaining anthropology being her reason to come to Museum. Talks about writing simply in Coming Of Age in Samoa. Covers of books shown in various languages. CU talking to camera about pointing out generation gap in the 60s in USA & explaining it by way of post-figurative (young learn from parents); co-figurative for societies changing rapidly (children of immigrants learning from peers); pre-figurative (children have to move towards a conclusion that is unknown ). 01:21:47 Mead typing at typewriter; files on shelves, pan over boxes, monographs, etc. Says why she likes the office & has stayed in it the entire time. 01:22:55 Stills of houses. Sitting in kitchen, talks over table about planning her future when she was a child. Stills as a young woman. “Science is the place for everyone.” 01:24:53 CU talking to camera about her good luck in going to Samoa. Pictures w/ adolescents. Talks about how an anthropologists go out w/ an open mind. 01:26:29 POV down residential street; MCU Mead coming out of small cottage w/ stick. Talks about gender relations & how affected by change. Women going out of home & agitating for opportunities. Need for women in public life. Talks about women’s liberation & why its happened. 01:30:15 Picture of Mead’s mother, a sociologist who studied Italian immigrants. Both mother & grandmother had had education & careers. 01:31:12 Tells of taking a course from Franz Boas as a senior. Stills of Boas. Talks of his lecture on pre-literate languages. 01:32:57 Still of Ruth Benedict; talks about her as teaching assistant to Boas while waiting to have children. 01:34:27 Talking about WWII & studying national character; getting Benedict to Washington to study Asian countries. 01:35:17 Atomic blast. “The world became one.” For the first time people had power to destroy everything on the earth, every living thing. Complete watershed.\ 01:36:42 Samoan children walking w/ Mead; playing games under trees. Talking to children in school about Papua, New Guinea becoming a nation. CUs of faces as Mead talks about having started workingn w/ children. Stlls of Manus people in Papua, houses, ritual dances from 1930s (?). 01:39:23 1953. Mead off plane & greeted at airport. Visiting village where she had been in 1928. Talking w/ villagers in dialect about the 25 years that had passed, what the future would be. Leaders greet her. Portable phonograph playing as women wash clothes, play in rain. Building new housing; Mead sitting on beach. Anthropology; Sociology; Social Scientists; Professor; Hero; Leader; Feminist; Feminism; Life History; NOTE: Any continuous ten minutes priced at per reel rate.