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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221058-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1940s
Country: China,England,United Kingdom,USA
TC Begins: 01:03:23
TC Ends: 01:06:42
Duration: 00:03:19
Misc. News of the Day Newsreels ‘US Navy Speeds Fighting Planes To War Fronts - Somewhere at Sea’. Flight deck, seamen & Marines being inspected. CU Admiral Halsey & carrier commander. Carrier deck, P-40s at far end, others lining up for take off. CU P-40 front section warming up, REGINA IV. Pilot in plane shaking hands with others. P-40 take off. RV from P-40 taking off, carrier seen. Crew brings up another plane for take off & P-40 takes off. P-40 crew deck sets plane up for take off. CU pilot in cockpit of P-40 & taking off from flight deck. Three P-40's in flight, US insignias. Crew members, thumbs up. P-40 fly by past carrier, three P-40's low level fly by rear of carrier. 01:04:47 ‘Eagles Quit RAF To Fly With Yanks!’ Military personnel stand in ranks & VIPs stand in ranks. CU Brig. Gen Frank Hunter putting wings on pilot. CU pilots who have just received their silver wings. Men stand & parade. US flag going up. Military personnel saluting same. 01:05:27 ‘Flying Tigers In China Join US Air Force - Somewhere in China’ Brig. Gen. Chennault turning over Flying Tigers to Col. Scott. Chenault & Scott in front of large map of China on side of building. Pan from general to Col. Scott. Camera pans from map to top of building showing picture of Gen. Chiang Kai Chek. Scott talks w/ group of military personnel. CU Col. Scott welcomed by Capt. Wong of China Air Force. CU pilot R. T. Smith in cockpit of P-40 w/ name on side of cockpit & insignias of Japanese aircraft shot down painted on side of aircraft. CU Japanese flag painted on side of aircraft. Six P-40s lined up, stationary; pilot out of one in fg. P-40 pilots out of stack, run toward camera. CU officer standing in front of ranks, showing pilots new Chinese flags in case they are shot down over "Free China." Pilots w/ backs to camera walking away, showing new flag on back of flying suits of "Free China. LS three P-40s fly toward camera in formation, natives working with large cloth on ground in foreground. Five P-40s coming to & pass by camera. CU Gen. Chennault inside aircraft. P-40s in flight. WWII. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: