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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221266-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1937
Country: Germany
Location: Koblenz,Rhine River
TC Begins: 17:00:00
TC Ends: 17:09:12
Duration: 00:09:12
Nazi Germany: Tourists; Camera Factory; Agriculture; Rhine Activity; Industrial Fair ca 1937 Tourists looking out over the Festung above the Rhine. Ship & rail traffic below. Boy w/ binoculars; knight on monument. Other young people. 17:00:39 Visitors walk in courtyard. CU: stonework of fortress. River bank of Rhine & village on hillside above. Cars & pedestrians onto wooden bridge or ferry. Young man drinking coca-cola beside sign. CU. Trucks & cars along riverside road. CU grill of truck w/ KRUPP on it. Riverboats upstream w/ castle above. 17:01:58 Interior Leica (?) camera factory; technicians in white coveralls at work adjusting cameras. Women assembling. Man checking shutter & adjusting. Men checking lenses. Woman checking prism & ?? 17:04:02 Barge thru Rhine pontoon bridge w/ section open. Lines of barges on river. More thru & sections floated into place, pedestrians cross. 17:05:04 Men at manhole w/ factory or power station behind. 17:05:13 Tug up river pulling barge. Small boat, fishing by hand w/ large net on frame. Cranes load barge along river (“Niederheim”). Industrial area & smokestacks in BG 17:06:05 Harvest, picking fruit; blonde girl w/ swastika + sheaves of wheat on arm (BDM Bund Deutscher Maedel); MCU eating fruit. MCU blonde & two women picking flowers in field, walk up lane to house & sort on porch. Girls milking goat. 17:07:07 Electric towers, pylons, across fields & orchards. GVs of landscape. Town w/ sign re girl feeding goat & German slogan (?). Traffic sign. River ferry & two oxcarts off. Men rolling logs into river. 17:08:09 Industrial fair, people viewing exhibits: Continental tires. 17:08:39 Rubber boot exhibit; women looking at drapes; men & women at synthetics (?) exhibit. Pre-WWII Germany; European Daily Life; 1930s; Photography; Industry; Nationalism; Pre-WW2;