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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221246-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1945
Country: USA
Location: California,New Jersey,san joaquim valley,seabrook farms,tulare lake ranch
TC Begins: 03:53:07
TC Ends: 03:59:54
Duration: 00:06:47
New Ways In Farming Pt. 2 of 2 March of Time Forum Edition Line of tractors cultivating crops. Map showing US wheat farming. Tulare Lake Ranch, San Joaquim Valley, California. Huge combines harvesting wheat; war time labor costs cut by mechanisation. 03:53:17 Map of US showis growth of Truck Gardening. Seabrook Farms, NJ w/ vegetable processing plant surrounded by fields, workers out of gates. Seabrook & sons in office. 03:54:48 Female secretaries - typing. Women outside staff living quarters & in cafeteria - 1940s fashions. Vines & peas harvested. Fleet of crop dusting biplanes taxi for take off; low flying crop duster towards camera & dumps load (GOOD). Seabrook cannery - vegetables on conveyor system; women inside on production line - man operates canning machine. 03:56:47 Small family farm - milking cow - famers forming co-operatives to compete w/ larger-scale producers. Dairy truck past barn w/ sign ‘Dairymen’s Co-operative Association’ - milk cans unloaded. Sign ‘Hunterdon Co-operative GLF Service Inc.’ Workers unloading sacks of produce. Storefront of Rural Electrification Association office; INT farmer signing up for loan; map of US showing farms electrified through REA loans. Power lines being installed on farm. Opening ceremony for rural electric sub-station - Scottish man makes speech (SOF) & pulls lever - farmers cheer. Labour-saving devices - hay bales loaded onto conveyor - corn grinder. Farmer’s wife in kitchen w/ newicooker. Other small farm scenes - ploughing field, men gathering hay, farmer’s wife drawing water from pump & feeding chickens. Agriculture - US - 1940s. Post-WWII Economics; Countryside; Animals. Collectivism; Cooperative; Propaganda;