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News In Brief (Ridgway in Argentina; CARE Book Program; USDA women inspecting passengers before boarding plane)

Reel Number: 221461-36

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1949

Country: Argentina,Italy


TC Begins: 07:47:35

TC Ends: 07:49:25

Duration: 00:01:50

Title: News In Brief (Ridgway in Argentina; CARE Book Program; USDA women inspecting passengers before boarding plane) 07:47:37 Man looking at papers or citation, pan to Generals including three-star Gen. Ridgway, British (?) & ?? CU of medal in case. Military man pinning medal on Ridgway, gives him hug. General Juan Peron shows him ceremonial sword in case. NOTE: Ridgeway & Gen. Canrobet Perira da Costa of Brazil were guests of Peron during Army week,ca 09Ju49. 07:48:08 Italy. VIPs of church & state receiving books from CARE book program. Pan of boxes, shelves. 07:48:33 Airport, passengers boarding American Airways flight. Two USDA women searching/questioning passengers at foot of stairs looking at pants cuffs etc. Stewardess at door of plane Post-WWII; Diplomacy; Dictator; Charity; 1949; United States Department of Agriculture;

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