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Oil For War Reel 1 Pt 1

Reel Number: 221118-01

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1942-1943

Country: USA


TC Begins: 08:00:02

TC Ends: 08:10:53

Duration: 00:10:51

Oil For War Reel 1 Pt 1 Presented by the Barrett Division Allied Chemical & Oil Corp. Documentary on the construction of the “Big Inch” oil pipeline by the US Petroleum Administration for War 08:00:25 Titles over shots of oil pipeline under construction. Good general shots oilfield crowded w/ derricks, refining pits, machinery etc. - CUs nodding donkeys. Goods train through countryside carrying oil tanks. Oil tankers in dock. AV oilfields. Animated map of US showing route of new emergency pipeline. Harold L. Icky, Petroleum Administrator for War, into US Department of the Interior. Officials who oversaw construction of “Big Inch” pipeline pose in shirtsleeves next to it - narr. identifies them. 08:05:36 Goods train carrying sections of steel pipeline - VO says 180,000 joints used in total. Pipes unloaded - rolled off carriages. Forest being cleared - “Timber!” - dynamiting rocks, plungers pushed w/ explosions - bulldozers at work clearing & levelling. Trucks carring pipeline sections - parts delivered ready for welding crews. Ditch-digging machines at work. WWII. US Home Front. War Effort. Fuel.

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