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Go to HomepageReel Number: 300230
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1900s,1910s,1930s,1940s,1950s
Country: Austria,England,France,United Kingdom,USA
Location: Kitty Hawk,North Carolina
TC Begins: 01:00:03
TC Ends: 01:11:10
Duration: 00:11:07
Outtakes: Aviation; Hitler in Austria ; WWII & Cold War Aircraft & Situations. CU Pilot; rear view of jet, flyby R.- L. record attempt, overhead & away. 01:00:20 Aerial WWII bomber; POV low of factory & town, river & fields, smoking bombed factory. 01:00:44 Shadows of 4 twin-engine bombers over English countryside. Bombers take off & mission. 01:01:02 Man parked B-29s 01:01:05 German symbol. British fighter plane; MS pilot into cockpit; multiple fighters take off; twin-engine bombers in formation. 01:02:00 Pilots run out of buildings to aircraft; takeoff over head . 01:02:15 SOF MS Crying women in peasant costumes walking, salute Hitler on reviewing stand, rush forward, CUs; Hitler leans down & shakes hands. Crowd. Hitler w/ saluting men in white gym clothes marching in background. MS Hitler, generals & several civilian men on platform. Much adulation; men marching w/ Austrian Nazi flags. VERY GOOD. 01:04:19 Si. ca 1910s Well dressed society in grandstand. CU man in leather helmet. LS spectators lining wide dirt track. Brief shots of early aircraft monoplane w/ tricycle wheels & 8 exhaust piles, wheeled past cornfield. (Lincoln Beachey 01:04:52 Si. MCU Wright brothers biplane starting, taking off away from camera. 01:05:04 Box-kite plane pulled aloft by speed boat, flies and lands on water; men move to dock. Takes off but dips wing in water & crashes Slug. 01:05:37 Sd. (no good) POV out round window above clouds. Lindbergh plane in air; Charles Lindbergh into cockpit, looks out window. Man out of open biplane; CU pilot w/ mustache in leather jacket posing . 01:06:10 Pusher propelled light plane taxiing. Biplane warming up. German light plane from beneath. Large German open biplane taxiing. French officers standing beside biplane. Wright Brothers Kitty Hawk. flight. 01:06:53 WW2 Fighter planes thru heavy flak. Japanese Ambassador pose beside car. Large bomber taking off. Japanese fighter plane; Ambassador out of State Department . Battleships, Jap fighter planes; dogfighting GSAP footage. 01:07:55 Line of 2-motor bombers taxiing, bombing; fighter plane into water; returning bomber formation. Bombs falling along coast, explosions. 01:08:38 Unid. large USAF twin-engine cargo aircraft pulled by truck; take off & in flight. 01:08:57 Tilt down showing Empire State Building damage from aircraft. C-47 flying into Berlin. MCU pilot wearing oxygen mask. CU moving switch. 01:09:13 Short cuts of aircraft in flight, bombing city & smoke rising. Aircraft: Lucky Lady II. View of rocket plane in pit before mounting beneath aircraft. Pilot shaking hands w/ civilian as officers look on. View of smoke from above. 01:10:10 Rocket firing, USAF aircraft, tail number 48 4111, in flight w/ rocket plane beneath; CU pilot into rocket plane. 01:10:27 4-engine BK-026 taking off from Boeing Field, Seattle . Unid. twin-tail plane in flight, pilot ejects. Slug. 01:10:52 Pilot helped into rocket plane cockpit, canopy closed. Air to air view of ?? experimental aircraft on hanger beneath & released. WW2; Oddities; Experimental Aircraft; NOTE: In our experience German Nazi era material is considered in the public domain throughout the world. If users feel any further clearances are necessary they are to be their own responsibility.