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Panzer-Nah-Bekampfung: Manner Gegen Panzer (1943) Pt. 3 of 3 aka Close Combat: Man Against Tanks

Reel Number: 221136-05

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1943

Country: Germany


TC Begins: 18:45:45

TC Ends: 18:55:27

Duration: 00:09:42

Panzer-Nah-Bekampfung: Manner Gegen Panzer (1943) Pt. 3 of 3 aka Close Combat: Man Against Tanks Oberkommando Des Heeres Chef Des Ausbildungswesens Im Ersatzheer Abteilung Lehrfilm Hergeftellt Continued... “Zum Panzernahkampf mussen auch Stabe, osse und Versorgungs truppen bereit sein.” Two German soldiers w/ machine gun by trench, pistol; they smoke cigarette, curry cavalry horses. Others walking around camp of log buildings. Get water from well; woman at well. Officer calls to soldier, they talk while smoking. Then spot tank & view thru binoculars (GOOD). One fires his signal pistol, all runs w/ horse, guns etc. as tank races toward them. 18:49:04 Men open back of truck, roll out bus, wagons; soldier pulls Jerry cans out of truck, into partially demolished house. Man throws grenade toward tank. View of tank turret turning, fires shot; rolls thru and over bus, then building. Firing and explosions from both sides. Grenade thrown, gas poured over tank. German runs up & gestures. Title: “Auberdem stehen jetzt neue Panzerbekampfungsmittel von groper Wirkung zur Verfugung” Cross-section diagram. 18:51:58 Tank through trees towards Germans w/ mortar in fox hole. Pauses, fires at Germans who return fire w/ grenade launcher; another diagram & demonstration of camouflaged troops in woods close to tank where they fire a grenade at turret. 18:53:11 Demonstration of firing small artillery at tank, pull it forward, position behind small tree and fire. Bazooka rocket launcher demonstrated against tank. Shoulder grenade launcher fired. Montage of super-imposed images w/ voice over narration telling how to destroy tanks. Attacking German infantry toward camera & past burning tank. GOOD WWII German training film; 1943; WW2; NOTE: In our experience German Nazi material is considered in the public domain throughout the world. If users feel any further clearances are necessary they are to be their own responsibility.

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