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Parley Deadlock - Showdown On Germany Is Demanded By West

Reel Number: 221718-16

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1954

Country: East Germany,England,France,Germany,United Kingdom,USA,USSR

Location: Berlin

TC Begins: 20:13:04

TC Ends: 20:14:17

Duration: 00:01:13

Parley Deadlock - Showdown On Germany Is Demanded By West 20:13:10 Delegates in interior doorway at Russian Embassy in East Berlin; identification shown to guards. 20:13:19 MS Smiling young woman at table w/ small USA flag; view out wall of windows w/ church tower in background & delegates in foreground. 20:13:24 CU of leaded glass showing that the church tower is part of the window pattern. CU of chandelier & hammer & scythe / hammer & cycle emblem on mirror. 20:13:31 MS Bidault talking w/ other diplomats before meeting; Eden enters, shakes hands w/ Molotov; Molotov & Bidault shake hands. Dulles arrives w/ grim look, sits down at large round table. LS of group at table. 20:14:01 MS around round table w/ four flags in middle. MCU of individual delegates. Post-WWII International Conferences; 1954; Post-WW2; Diplomats; Delegates; NOTE: Berlin Conference held 25Jan-18Feb54 by foreign ministers John Foster Dulles, Anthony Eden, Georges Bidault & Vyacheslav Molotov agreeing to call a wider conference on a settlement for the Korean War & the ongoing Indochina War; failed to agree on European security & the international status of Germany & Austria then under four-power occupation.

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