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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250019-16
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1945
Country: USA
Location: Atlanta,DC,Georgia,Washington
TC Begins: 13:13:30
TC Ends: 13:14:35
Duration: 00:01:05
Title. 13:13:34 Charles Griffith Ross kisses bible after being sworn in as President Truman’s Press Secretary, turns & kisses wife. Press photographers taking pictures, people behind watch. Outgoing secretary Stephen Early w/ Ross (brief). Charles Ross at desk w/ cameramen. 13:13:51 Ex-president Herbert Hoover out of car at White House. CU; w/ Truman. Leaving White House. 13:14:11 Four-star General Courtney Hodges off plane in Atlanta, Georgia. Through streets in jeep w/ large crowd of spectators watching; ticker-tape from windows. Post-WWII; Post-WW2; May45; 1945; NOTE: If requested will provide 13:11:18 - 13:18:23 at per reel rate.