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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221692-06
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1945,1946
Country: Canada,Japan,USA
Location: Buffalo,Sasebo Naval Base
TC Begins: 19:12:02
TC Ends: 19:21:39
Duration: 00:09:37
Titles. 19:12:36 Warehouse w/ Canadian men & women sorting clothes; MCUs. Baling & stitching burlap covering. 19:13:22 Title: Eastern U.S. Digs Out After Heavy Snows. Snow covering freight yards. 19:13:31 LS of street w/ need snow piled on sides of road. Men digging out of five foot snowfall. Cars w/ snow drifted over, man shoveling off. Various shots of frozen Niagara Falls; snowscape of covered trees & bridge. Couple viewing. 19:14:23 Title: U.S. Army Tanks Destroy Japanese War Planes. Men working on plane; crane moving plane. Tank w/ flame thrower setting fire to stack of planes; burning & black smoke. 19:15:12 Title: New Aluminum Houses To East World Shortage. Moving shot over stacks of aluminum ingots. Interior & men feeding large sheets into presses (?). MCU rolling strips. MCU stack of formed strips. 19:15:35 Men nailing aluminum clap-board siding on assembly line of prefabricated houses. LS of mrooms & men working on them. MCU installing plumbing, bathtub. Model of house showing folding walls for shipment. Actual walls folded; rolled off assembly line. Man thru picket fence of assembled house on site. 19:16:22 Title: Thousand-Pound 3-Wheeled Auto Is Demonstrated. Man drives on California highway, turning convertible in tight circles in front of camera. Stops in front of camera & man removes grille to show headlights & front wheel; man lifts off rear fender to show ease of replacement. Lifts off plexiglass windshield. POV from in front as man drives down highway; passing cars. 19:17:15 Title: Gen. Yamashita Sentenced To Death By Hanging. Yamashita walks across courtroom & sits; military judges listening. SOF charges told to Yamashita, translator repeats question. MCU Yamashita replies. Defense lawyer Harry E. Clarke, St. speaks to judges. Prosecution says “...anything less than death sentence would be a mockery...” Yamashita into court to hear charges read by Major-General R. B. Reynolds. Commission finds him guilty. Turns & leaves courtroom. The End. Post-WWII; Post-WW2; Weather; Japanese War Crimes Trial; Automobiles; 1945; 1946; NOTE: Three-Wheeled Car probably built by Warner Manufacturing.