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Go to HomepageReel Number: 300102
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1940s
Country: Germany,Italy,USA
Location: FLORENCE
TC Begins: 01:00:02
TC Ends: 01:08:25
Duration: 00:08:23
Post-WWII - 1940s, Italy: Art Returned To Florence Slate. Railroad locomotive pulling train of freight cars into yard & slowly past, waving Army MPs in some car doorways. 01:00:40 Large crates loaded onto army truck. 2 military & 2 civilians talking (MOS). 01:01:02 Slate. Truck w/ crates leaves from train w/ MP w/ rifle on top of crates. Men & women civilians watching. MS MP on crates. MS moving crates from train onto truck. Military laborers briefed by officers beside train. Jeep leading two loaded trucks out of railyard. 01:02:06 Civilian w/ clipboard checking crates in warehouse . Men moving large crate; unpacking / uncovering large oil painting of mother & child, dusting. 01:03:08 Slate. Painting in ornate frame moved & shown to group of civilians & officer. MCU officer pointing to another painting of mounted rider, w/ damage, CU. 01:04;10 Interior of large warehouse space w/ curtain over window. Unfolded paper held for CU (dark). 01:04:31 Column of US Army trucks thru plaza past pedestrians. CU crates on parked truck w/ people walking past. MLS street activity. 01:05:17 Army truck w/ US flags passing, sign on side re Art Florentine. People gathered around looking. Line of three or four trucks moving across plaza. MS ceremonial buglers. People watch, applaud. Seated VIPs listening to speaker (MOS) reading speech. Applause. Pan crowd around base of government building & Roman statues. 01:07:22 Procession thru ??, past large Roman statues. Slate. LS procession; US army truck w/ sign & crates; other trucks pulling up in front of large statues. Post-WW2; Repatriation; Seized Oil Paintings;