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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220656-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1946,1947,1940s
Country: Israel,Palestine
Location: Jerusalem,Tel Aviv
TC Begins: 22:13:16
TC Ends: 22:20:54
Duration: 00:07:38
Post-WWII - 1940s, Palestine: Jewish Refugees & Beached Boat w/ British Soldiers British soldier lying on beach w/ rifle in front of grounded Jewish refugee boat - beached belongings. Soldiers guarding Jewish refugees, some huddled in blankets. MS Dancing Horah on beach watched by British soldiers. 22:13:49 Sign (English & Hebrew): Stop! “Nobody allowed beyond this point”. Refugees queue in line under guard. MS British army officer talking w/ map. Guard post. 22:14:19 High angle / HA City Tel Aviv intersection w/ pedestrians. POV thru pedestrians & bicyclists in streets. CU faces - people selling belongings on the streets / vendors. Bicycles. Many close shots smiling faces. 22:14:52 Refugee camp / compound ? MS crowds watched by British army. Armed troops. Young men marched across sand past camel, by armed British troops. 22:16:02 British officers on beach - grounded ship. MS people on board. British soldiers lying on beach in formation, guns ready. Move Arabs back. 22:16:58 Cuts. Line of refugees watched by British guards. Man folding clothing. CU Headlines of The Palestine Post Newspaper. “Tel Aviv Outlawed - Martial Law” & “25000 Isolated in Jerusalem Quarter” . Barbed wire on streets - British army presence (Jerusalem?). POV past lines along street. British soldiers & men showing papers. 22:18:34 MCU Two soldiers smoking, w/ man leading blind refugee. 22;18:50 Black 22:18:53 Tel Aviv street scenes w/ boys / in delivery carts; pedestrians; vendors; women gets shoe sign; front of shop & flower seller. POV along bicycles in street, past people watching from sidewalk. POV from in vehicle. 22:19:56 Army checkpoint - army officer giving orders w/ map; officers into building past sentry. Immigrants; Emigrants; Post-WW2; NOTE: Date not verified. Partial or entire of 22:08:39 - 22:20:54 will be provided at per reel rate if requested.