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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220886-02
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1945,1940s
Country: Germany
Location: Dortmund,RuhR
TC Begins: 03:01:48
TC Ends: 03:03:51
Duration: 00:02:03
Post-WWII - 1945, Germany: Dortmund War Damage Intertitle: Ruhr - Kriegsschaden. 03:01:55 MLS of heavily damaged buildings, some walls standing. people walking past; men bicycling past. Broken pipe running water; drainage ditch; open cut in ground. 03:02:18 Women get buckets of water from hydrant & faucet in street; scrub / wash clothes & hang on clothes line over rubble in backyard. 03:02:58 Nurses carrying water buckets / milk cans; nurses working in lab of re-opened childrens clinic (fill small baby bottles (?). 03:03:19 Doctor & nurse beside small beds / cribs in pediatric ward; CU gives baby bottle to malnourished child. CU older, better fed child in crib. Post-WW2; Occupied Germany; 1940s; Military Occupation; Children’s Hospitals; Propaganda Newsreel Film;