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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220886-25
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1945,1940s
Country: England,France,United Kingdom,USA
Location: Lyon,Paris
TC Begins: 03:47:01
TC Ends: 03:50:02
Duration: 00:03:01
Post-WWII - 1945, Germany: Rebuilding Industry - Factories for Peace Intertitle: Frankreichs Industrie Baut Auf. 03:47:07 Pan over destroyed factory buildings in Lyon, France. Visiting French delegation & advisors walk past; CUs building destruction; delegates looking. 03:47:25 Foremen & workers around table planning rebuilding; reconstruction of factories, construction workers. Replacing bricks; starting machines. 03:47:58 Steel mill returning to production. 03:48:18 Man at turning lathe; vertical drills; car / truck production & assembly. Renault (?). 03:48:53 Goodrich factory in Paris interior, manufacturing truck tires. Civilian & military VIPs inspect. 03:49:54 Pan over stacks of tires. Post-WW2; 1940s; Propaganda Newsreel Film; Occupied Germany; Occupation; Industry; Rubber; Economy;