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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220477-26
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1945,1940s
Country: England,Germany,United Kingdom,USA,USSR
Location: Berlin
TC Begins: 19:49:13
TC Ends: 19:51:12
Duration: 00:01:59
Post-WWII - 1945, Germany: Ceremony & Relaxing During Occupation by USSR; USA; England Intertitle: Today In Berlin (out of frame). 19:49:16 American tank past in Berlin street w/ soldiers in foreground. POV past official building w/ Nazi eagle on pedestal. USSR & USA troops of occupation armies marching. High Angle / HA shot of ceremony at Adolf Hitler barracks w/ Allied flag raised. General Bradley arrives w/ Russian command. Tanks fire salute & troops stand at attention. 19:50:07 MCUs Young German women at outdoor tables. LS large swimming pool; swimmers diving. Women dancing together in park as British soldiers sit watching (re non fraternization ban). 19:50:25 Sign “Femina” & perfume shop. Woman performs dance in night club as soldiers watch & drink at tables. Men & women dancing together, waitress past w/ tray of drinks. 19:50:51 Men on beach & in beer garden sitting & chatting w/ girls. Post-WW2; 1940s; Germany; Military Occupation;