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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220469-45
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1945,1940s
Country: USA
TC Begins: 04:35:16
TC Ends: 04:38:01
Duration: 00:02:45
Post-WWII - 1945, Military Inventions: Now Revealed: The Secret of Radar. ca Aug45 Intertitle: Now Revealed: The Secret of Radar. 04:35:21 Large radar array on trailer turning w/ 3 operators riding, one manually cranking; CU of receiving wires. 04:35:32 MS interior, Man holding & showing cathode tube outside of housing. Man w/ headset tuning at console & reading on oscilloscope-type radar screen. 04:35:47 Animation of radar operation shown & describes / explains use of short wave sent & bounced back w/ timing of echoes giving location & distance. 04:36:11 Pilot in airplane takes notes; moves handles, CU antenna turning to send & receive shortwaves. Diagram of results showing short-wave of plane passing over ships & coastline. Locates its aircraft carrier. 04:37:06 Fighter aircraft lands on carrier; large aircraft landings in fog re peacetime use of radar. Bomber / airplane w/ engine fire; pilot sends distress signal to shore radio detection station. Spot from radarscope located on chart. Plane crashing into water at night; crew into life raft & rescued by PBY at sea. 1940s; WW2 Electronics; Secrets;