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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221803-09
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1945,1940s
Country: England,United Kingdom,USA
Location: Chicago,DC,New Mexico,New York City,NYC London,San Francisco,Seattle,Washington,White Sands
TC Begins: 21:05:00
TC Ends: 21:13:06
Duration: 00:08:06
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Post-WWII - 1945, War Ends: Celebrations in USA & England; Atomic Bomb Research & Blasts Intertitle: Die Welt Feiert Den Frieden (The World Celebrates Peace). Laughing crowds gathered outside White House held back by MPs. Crowded press around President Truman reading Japanese surrender announcement; reporters run in corridor. Crowds on lawn in Lafayette park cheering. 21:05:30 Montage: Chicago: Woman holding VICTORY headline w/ crowd behind; soldier lifted by others; sailors & others on ??; paper falling from skyscrapers, people pick up to throw. San Francisco Chinatown & firecrackers. Seattle & sailors kissing woman. GI riding White Horse. High Angle / HA of crowd filling New York's Time Square w/ paper falling (CLASSIC SHOT), people throw tickertape, servicemen kissing women Night shots of crowds in Times Square & near Hotel Astor. 21:07:01 HA on celebration in unidentified Canadian city blocking traffic. CUs waving crowds. 21:07:19 London, HA night crowd dancing in street; Allied flags waved. St. Paul Cathedral lighted, tilt down from dome & towers to crowd. 21:07:49 Day, crowds wait, King & Queen in open horse-drawn carriage leaving from Buckingham palace; Lord Halifax w/ ??, Lord John Allsebrook Simon, US Ambassador Winant, Admiral (?) ??; Saudia Arabian representative arrive by car w/ Boy Scout assisting. US Adm. Stark. 21:08:36 Royal procession arrives; crowd on monument base & running toward Buckingham Palace; Royal family waves from palace balcony. MSs VERY GOOD. Slug. 21:09:53 Intertitle: Die Atombombe (The Atom Bomb) LS & CU atomic bomb explosion, White Sands. 21:10:19 Pan Oak Ridge plant, K-25 building & power plant (?). Sign: West Oak Ridge Prohibited Area. Workers walking; thru plant entrance. Post Office & shopping area; reading newspapers posted in window. 21:10:54 Circular building. CU, Prof Ernest Lawrence, University of Calif at panel board in his laboratory & inspecting part of cyclotron. 21:11:10 Different atomic bomb tests / bursts filmed in slow motion. Slow motion footage of clouds of smoke from an atomic bomb. Post-WW2 Celebrations; Atomic Age; Commemoration Service; Diplomats; Explosions; Tests; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: