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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250060-20
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1945
Country: USA
TC Begins: 23:08:39
TC Ends: 23:18:03
Duration: 00:09:24
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Titles. 23:09:20 Montage of good-byes from city, farms, suburbs, apartments as men off to war; railroad station. 23:09:59 Montage CU locomotive wheels, POV along tracks; crossing rough seas on ship. 23:10:14 Montage, soldier silhouetted over the top; running thru battle; planes dive bombing, artillery, rifles, grenades. CUs battles beaches, river crossings, aircraft carrier crash. 23:11:31 Montage: military support activities: printing, electronics, communications switchboard. 23:11:57 Montage: loneliness, boredom. Deep mud, dust, eating, coffee, hot, cold suffering. 23:12:35 Man silhouetted raises arms for peace. 23:12:53 Returning soldiers w/ duffels board ship; wounded carried. Ship leaving dock heavily loaded, men looking out to see, thinking. Bow thru water. 23:14:03 Montage of soldiers adjusting to military life. Loss of privacy; orders; Cu mouth, pay; digging foxhole, trench, slogging thru jungle, shaving, brushing teeth , falling in mud. Marching to accordion; soldier wearing top hat & marching w/ umbrella & working w/ jack hammer in rain. Fun fair in India, throwing ball at Hitler dummy. Playing three card Monte. Feeding & helping orphans. Continued... 23:16:23 Freighter & soldiers on board. SOF Chaplin talking about effect of war on men over scenes of war. Post-WWII Attitudes; Post-WW2 Behavior; Servicemen & humanity; adaptability; social consciousness; veterans; Adaptation; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: