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Post-WWII - 1946, Atomic Energy, USA: Oak Ridge Employees Voting; Award (?); Working

Reel Number: 221803-03

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1946,1940s

Country: USA

Location: OAK RIDGE,Tennessee

TC Begins: 20:12:51

TC Ends: 20:23:22

Duration: 00:10:31

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk Post-WWII - 1946, Atomic Energy, USA: Oak Ridge Employees Voting; Award (?); Working CU Election campaign sign on building: They Made It Possible For Oak Ridge to Vote - Vandergriff for Sheriff, Larue for Trustee, Fox for County Court Clerk, Singleton, Register of deeds. 20:13:05 LS across cooling building to K-25 plant. Pan along mile long side. 20:13:41 CU billboard: Carefully read study & apply security regulations on classified information w/ cartoon. 20:13:57 CU For World Peace Protect The Know How. With artwork. 20:14:02 MLS Men & some women standing outside barracks (?). MS talking w/ ballots in hands (?), sign on building: General Election. Blacks & Whites enter building past sign. CU signs: Republican Primary. Democratic Primary. CU people handed advertising card upon leaving. 20:14:58 Int. w/ voting booths, people talking, inserting ballots into ballot boxes. Election Registrars handing out ballots or ??. 20:15:47 Counting ballots (?). 20:16:02 High Angle / HA employees, some w/ lunch pails, on walk across field from barracks w/ large buildings against hillside behind. 20:16:41 Outside entrance / exit w/ turnstiles as people change shift & passing guards. People receiving pay envelopes or mail at windows. 20:17:09 MCU women thru turnstile showing identification to guard; Low Angle / LA men past guard. 20:17:26 LS towards unidentified factory buildings (part of Y-12???). 20:17:59 CU sign: Visitors Obtain Meters Here Before Entering. CU stamped meters w/ numbers. Sign: Don’t Forget Your Meter. Car passengers given meters by guards at gate. Men walking w/ tripods, camera bags & cameras into building. Still photographers taking pictures of award ceremony (?); workers watch from balcony. Reporters wearing meters taking notes. 20:19:47 MS Three civilian men & military officer beside table, man given ?? & hand shake. MS can holding ?? small hinged box w/ hasp & tag. Other civilian takes out papers & pen & recipient signs. 20:20:53 CU tag on box: Monsanto Chemical Company Clinton Laboratories - Radioisotopes. O.K. for shipment. ?? Whitney, Producer. Date 29-2-46. 20:20:59 Man opens box & removes metal tube, lifts out wire w/ vial & small amount of white powder inside, CU looking at it. 20:21:37 Five technicians (also on 221803-02), one w/ Geiger counter; another pouring white powder from flask into metal container, compresses w/ mechanical hand compressor; gives to another who puts on end of pipe & into box. Then inserted / pushed into atomic pile (?) while monitored w/ Geiger counter & pushed further in w/ carbon (?) block. Atomic Age; History; Nuclear Science; Manufacturing Technology; Security; Secrets; Cold War; Daily Life; Post-WW2; 1940s; 1950s; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. Please send corrections & additions to the following e-mail. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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