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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221381-20
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1946
Country: Marshall Islands,USA
Location: Bikini Atoll,Kwajalein,Pacific
TC Begins: 12:12:49
TC Ends: 12:20:10
Duration: 00:07:21
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Post-WWII - 1946, Atomic Test: Operation Crossroads. 01Jul46 Title. 12:12:55 LS to fleet at sea; MCU Admiral William H. Blandy on McKinley; sheep & white rats in crates, pigs & sheep walked & carried across deck by sailors. CU shearing sheep; goat held. Protective ointments applied. Metal & fabric mounted on side of ship for tests, CUs. 12:14:20 MLS group of military engineers / officers checking test instruments, CUs. Men looking at maps on wall & table top w/ Blandy. 12:14:52 Navy Secretary Forrestal at microphone on shipboard speaking to reporters, SOF (poor) saying no threat. 12:15:31 Target vessel crews off ships, in landing craft. 12:15:56 Low angle CU Captain L.H. Bibby; MS walking across deck leaving target ship. MS striped all-clear signal flag. Leaving in landing craft. 12:16:13 Kwajalein, MS ground crew, one w/ walkie-talkie. Moving atomic bomb to B-29 Superfortress, bomb screened from view while loading; MPs patrolling. Major Harold H. Wood, bombardier; & Major Woodrow P. Swancutt, pilot of Dave’s Dream (name on plane). Crew w/ parachutes, plane take off. 12:17:02 Forrestal & other officers watching; aerial of B-29. Int. w/ bombardier, CU face. CUs Radar antenna turning, siren horns, officer w/ binoculars. 12:17:33 B-29 7354, bomb bay doors open; crew on ship putting on dark goggles; sailors sitting on deck w/ backs to blast & arms covering eyes. CUs men w/ goggles watching in breeze / wind. 12:18:09 Horizon across water, blast of explosion & fireball rising; mushroom cloud. 12:18:35 Aerial of cloud rising among other clouds w/ outline of atoll reef visible. 12:18:49 View of white mushroom cloud rising seen from ship. LA MS. 12:19:10 Salvage fleet of small boats moving to lagoon; man w/ geiger counter on bow of boat, CU. 12:19:22 Sailors view ship wreckage of aircraft carrier & others. 12:19:44 2nd camera: men w/ goggles watching; explosion & cloud rising. Post-WW2; Cold War; Pacific Atomic Tests; Able Test; 01Jul46; Radiation Dangers; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: