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Post-WWII - 1946, Czechoslovakia, Election Campaigning & Communist Meetings

Reel Number: 250051-12

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1946

Country: Czechia,Czechoslovakia

Location: Prague

TC Begins: 05:19:39

TC Ends: 05:30:26

Duration: 00:10:47

Post-WWII - 1946, Czechoslovakia, Election Campaigning & Communist Meetings Man reading paper on the river Vltava. Wooden tower wi/ election poster urging “Vote #4” for the national-socialist party,. 05:20:06 Manes Bridge w/ posters, in background is Rudolfinam Palace. Tram crossing bridge - good shot. Large posters w/ words “Chaos” and “Teror” crossed thru. Tram passes in foreground. CU Chaos w/ X; Teror w/ X, pedestrians past. 05:21:04 Large poster w/ symbols of four main political parties. Poster “United in War - United in Peace” 05:21:19 Night scenes in Prague on eve of election. Crowds on streets, election buses, posters. People argue on pavement. Election pamphlets scattered over pavement. People handing out literature. 05:23:17 Day - street scene. Political pamphlets blow around pedestrians. Interior polling office, people register. 05:23:48 Crowds on street - people reading posters outside Communist Party HQ (KSC) other buildings w/ posters & election banners; huge Communist posters 05:25:51 Interior gallery w/ large photos of leaders , Russians , bust of Lenin. 05:26:51 Communist party meeting w/ large photos of Klement Gottwald & Stalin - standing ovation - Unid. man speaking (mos). Top table stand & applaud. Posters Stalin & Gottwald. Meeting room w/ people seated round table, Communist flag on wall. CUs & MCUs w/ Gottwald talking, gesturing. Cold War; Soviet Union Influence; Post-WW2;

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