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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221803-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1946,1940s
Country: Germany
TC Begins: 20:00:02
TC Ends: 20:07:26
Duration: 00:07:24
Post-WWII - 1946, Germany: Occupation, French Zone. Apr-May46 Low Angle / LA MLS of castle on hilltop from boat on Rhine River; LS w/ French flag on boat in foreground. French soldier / officer w/ pipe silhouetted, seated watching passing bridge wreckage. Debris in water. CU flag in wind. 20:00:59 Young men & women seated on river bank near Coblenz, men get up & begin to walk to water. 20:01:33 MS side-wheeler tug pulling coal barges past Remagen (?) bridge piers & wreckage. 20:01:58 HA of river w/ tug & barge, train passing along shore below. Man tending vines on steep riverbank, tug & barges passing below. 20:02:43 Slug 20:02:45 LS across town & forested hillside beyond. 20:03:02 Street scene, pedestrians outside Services de Information Francaise. MS publications in window. People leaving large church, filling plaza in sunshine. Men in US Army & French military uniforms among crowd leaving. 20:04:08 Crowd entering or waiting in doorway below sign: Hermann Roessler Metzgerei; smaller sign: Konrad Brill Fleischwerenfobrik Terkoul on Zivil (?). MS & CU of people entering. MS many people standing on sidewalk waiting for electric tram / trolley (?); boarding w/ military on & off. CU crowd in store entrance. People off & on trolleys. 20:05:14 MS shopkeeper weighing food on scale, women & boy waiting; ration cards shown. Woman slicing bread or meat & putting on scale. CU faces. 20:06:13 Free French symbol on radio transmitting truck trailer parked under wooden roof. 20:06:25 Man beside Sudwestfunk radio microphone, engineer seen thru control room window putting recording disc (?) on record player, signals man to start speaking. MCU man speaking into microphone 20:07:00 CU putting disc on turntable: Hitler’s ??, French Radio ?? of Hitler, ? 1934. Lowering needle tone arm. Post-WW2; Daily Life; Re-education; Occupied West Germany; 1940s; Radio Broadcasting; Announcer; Announcing; Transcription Disc; Riverboat; Transportation; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate.