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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220886-11
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1946,1940s
Country: Germany,USA
Location: Berlin,Heidelberg,Maulbronn
TC Begins: 03:15:38
TC Ends: 03:18:04
Duration: 00:02:26
Post-WWII - 1946, Germany: Re-education of Children / De-Nazification Intertitle: Jugend Sucht Neue Wege (reeducation of children) 03:15:43 High angle LS of children running into open area surrounded by tents some US Army w/ red cross markings in youth camp “Mannheimer Falken” for re-education of democracy. MS Children of various ages doing exercises; polishing shoes in front of tents, art project, banners w/ group names (?). Young girls washing clothes in buckets & hang them up to dry. Writing names on tents & posters for candidates (?). 03:16:18 Children vote putting ballots in box; man counting votes. Boy talking to crowd of children. 03:16:31 Band playing & girls dowing folk dance in Baden-Württemberg & dedication of rebuilt Jugendherbergen (Youth hostels) w/ young people entering. 03:16:53 People leaving, crossing street; theater interior, young people watching program by Heidelberg - cultural unit by young people to US-sponsored Theater performance. 03:17:17 Baseball game organized in US sector; US military officers watch young boys learning; soldier w/ boy & catcher mitt, young girls sit & cheering boys playing baseball. 03:17:34 Boys & girls track meet w/ running events held at Berlin Tempelhof. Awards given winners. Post-WW2 Occupation; 1940s; Propaganda Newsreel Film; Americanization; Occupied Germany;