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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220521-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1946,1940s
Country: Belgium,Germany,USA
Location: Dachau,Malmedy
TC Begins: 17:46:09
TC Ends: 17:49:28
Duration: 00:03:19
Post-WWII - 1946, Germany, War Crimes Trial: Malmedy War Crimes Trial, Dachau. 24May46 Munich No. 186. Slate: Camera, Sargent. 24May46 Subject War Crime Dachau. 17:46:17 German prisoners from court building, walk across & line up in courtyard. MLS & MCU. 17:46:47 Defendants walking past thru doorway. LS of building & doorway. 17:47:16 From inside defendants enter building, single file past camera. 17:47:58 Guard patrolling outside cells (long barracks w/ single window per cell). 17:48:21 Men file out into courtyard as MP watches; into brick building followed by MPs. 17:49:16 Slate: same. Post-WW2; Malmedy Massacre Aftermath; Military Justice; NOTE: If requested will provide 17:41:41 - 17:49:28 at per reel rate. NARA card dated 27May46.