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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220470-44
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1946,1940s
Country: Japan,USA
Location: Pacific
TC Begins: 06:05:05
TC Ends: 06:06:22
Duration: 00:01:17
Post-WWII - 1946, Military: US Navy Destroys Captured Jap Subs In Target Practice. ca Apr46 Intertitle: U.S. Navy Destroys Captured Jap Subs In Target Practice. 06:05:12 Aerial over line of sunken ships in narrow harbor. POV from water past submarines; huge Japanese submarine, I-58, which sank US cruiser Indianapolis; an aircraft carrying submarine w/ US naval officers inspecting deck runway & inside hanger. 06:05:41 Submarines towed out to sea; sunk by US warships. CU battleship or cruiser guns firing, explosions & sinking subs. 1940s; Post-WW2 Japanese Disarmament; Victor; Winner; Naval Loser;