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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220657-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1946,1940s
Country: USA
Location: Argonne Laboratory,University of Chicago, Illinois
TC Begins: 00:10:53
TC Ends: 00:17:25
Duration: 00:06:32
Post-WWII - 1946, USA: Atomic - Working Uranium & Measuring Radiation Operator in coveralls & wearing protective breathing respirator for safety operating lathe grinding / turning uranium on machine w/ sparks; removes mask & closely inspects work. 00:11:24 MCU from different angle. CU of turning uranium rod w/ exhaust tube. 00:12:00 Milling machine (?) w/ cutting fluid into catch basin / pan. 00:12:18 MS of cutting tool on milling machine; CU hot chips falling in front of exhaust tube. Glowing chips. 00:12:53 Man & woman / technicians using pantograph to handle radioactive fluids. CU of microamperes registering on meter dial. 00:13:11 Woman using quartz fibre micro-balance to measure to 1 billionth of a gram. CU of machine. Woman sighting thru lens while adjusting knob. 00:13:32 Argonne officials lifting brick of super heavy uranium. L/R Col Arthur Frye, Dr. Hilberry; Argonne National Laboratory Director (1946 -1961) Dr. Zinn 00:14:04 Technician using portable electronometer to measure small amounts of radiation; CU needle register. 00:14:27 Technician at electronic panel turning switchs; MCU w/ needle registering. 00:14:59 MS Technician heating / scaling glass tube containing gasses w/ blow torch to measure gasses; MCU gas thru glass equipment moving fluid. 00:15:32 CU hands turning knob on rod. 00:15:40 Woman w/ sample & Geiger counter measuring radiation, CU handling / loading sample. CU front of large Geiger counter on table w/ interpolation lights flashing. MCU woman technician wearing tubes to measure exposure to radiation. MS woman using handheld Geiger counter to measure radiation on cloth sample. CU moving over sample; CU of needle measuring microamperes. 1940s; Post-WW2; Atomic Research; Chicago University; Physics; Chemistry; Science; Scientific Research; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate.