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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220470-27
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1946,1940s
Country: USA
Location: California,Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,Washington, DC
TC Begins: 05:40:17
TC Ends: 05:43:03
Duration: 00:02:46
Post-WWII - 1946, USA: Philip Murray, Benjamin Fairless & Henry Kaiser on Steel Strike Settlement Main title: Movietone News over montage of civilian scenes. 05:40:30 Intertitle: Steel Strike Hits The Nation; Causes Industrial Crisis. 05:40:37 Factory chimneys, locomotive; steel plant interior w/ flames & pouring fiery steel. MS & CUs. 05:41:01 CIO President Philip Murray & U.S. Steel company president Benjamin Fairless at White House after Fairless rejected Truman’s proposal. 05:41:10 Philip Murray speech, SOF: “The President of the United States occupying a position of mediator in this dispute rendered a decision. That decision was accepted by the United Steel Workers of America & refused by the steel industry. It is our purpose therefore under the circumstances to proceed with a policy enunciated by the represented by the United Steelworkers of America & begin our strike at 12:01 Monday morning.” 05:41:57 LS steel plant w/ smoke from only one chimney; MCU chimneys w/ no smoke. Steel workers leaving factory - sitting outside factory. Strikers w/ USWA placards picketing. “Do Not Cross the Picket Line”; Aluminium Employees Strike”. 05:42:17 Snow falling / blizzard on picketers in Pittsburgh. 05:42:23 Security guard patrolling automobile assembly line in empty factory. 05:42.32 MS Industrialist Henry J. Kaiser at desk in California steel plant speaks of signing agreement, SOF: “I have signed this agreement w/ the steelworkers union I am confident that only by integrity & fair play on the party of both management & labor we can ride the perilous seas ahead & achieve industrial harmony & security for our people.” Post-WW2; Labor Leader; Factory; Steel Industry Presidents; Post-War Wage Dispute; 1940s;